Common Endorses Obama in PSA

17 years ago view-show 723,492

       In hopes of getting the hip-hop community down, the Barack Obama campaign recruited Common to tape a public service announcement endorsing the Democratic presidential nominee.

      “I just want to tell everybody to vote,” Common said in the video. “I’m voting for Obama, because he’s just there to do some good things in the world; for people all around the world. Whether you’re Black, white, Latino, Asian, Obama is down for us. I want to encourage ya’ll to go out and vote and make history on February 5, 2008. Vote Hope. Vote for Change. Vote Obama.”

      The video gives a list of states that will conduct their Democrat primary voting on February 5. For more information, check these sites out  VOTE HOPE 2008 or BARACK OBAMA.

Check out Common’s PSA:



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