15 years ago view-show 7,107,210


Looks like Buffie the Body is ready to join the leagues of Karrine Steffans, you know be a part of that video vixen turned authoress league as she gears up to release her book called ….drum roll please…VIXEN ICON. Bad enough we are subjected to these pointless tell-alls but you would think they would at least try and get a bit more creative with their titles. The book is slated to be on shelves in early Summer. I am sure if it came with a free video it would sell out instantly.
But with Karrine dropping her third (yawn yawn) book this Summer too will we see a battle develop between the two gals, because you know Karrine is not going to be impressed with Buffie using Vixen in her title..she got the rights to that word lol. Yet another New York Times best seller on the way I am sure

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