Converse Allegedly Gave Soulja Boy 7 Figures To Lease His Infamous ‘Soulja Boy Swag’

13 years ago view-show 740,322

So allegedly Converse gave Soulja Boy 7 figures so that they could lease his infamous swag.  Then their first move was to have Souljerrrrr do an uber hip and trendy collaboration with Matt and Kim & Andrew WK.  Just keeping it alternative yet mainstream so all the cool kids feel like they should cop some Chucks.



I’m sure that this is just the beginning of a long line of Soulja Boy infused corporate songs to come from Converse.  I just get so confused how these companies judge if they’re marketing campaigns work.  Because this first move doesn’t really seem like it’s going to sell any kicks.  Not sure how hipsters hanging out in a morgue = sales for Converse.  Plus everyone knows Vans are the wave right now.  Like I might of bought some Comme De Garcon Chucks when Drake first hit the scene because I thought they would get me laid, but they totally didn’t.  So if Converse really wants to get a co sign from this guy they better A) break me off with some advertising guap or B) Pay for/brand Soulja Boy videos that involve awesome cooking dances with his friends.  Or maybe the people at Converse know more about marketing than me, but I highly doubt that.  Who you going with?  The people behind a major corporation or the guy that blogs on iHipHop?

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