FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Who do I contact if I am having technical problems with the site?

Send an email to support@ihiphop.com.


How can I submit content to iHipHop?

If you would like to submit content for consideration to appear on iHipHop, please send an email to superblog@ihiphop.com. Such content includes, audio & video (send streaming links only) and news coverage. We are looking for tips, new tracks, new videos, interviews, anything related to hip-hop music, culture, politics, fashion, business, technology…basically whateva…


How Can I make my products for sale in the iHipHop store?

We are actively looking for new products for the store. We are open to carrying anything that there is a demand for and makes sense for fans of hip-hop. Please send an email to store@ihiphop.com to discuss in more detail.


I am a serious hip-hop fan and a good writer. How can I join the iHipHop Blog Team?

Send your resume to superblog@ihiphop.com and put BLOG TEAM RESUME in the subject of your email.


How can I advertise on iHipHop and what are your rates?

Please email advertising@ihiphop.com to discuss the right campaign for your product. Generally speaking we offer banners, block-outs, video pre-roll, email and mobile alert packages, sponsorships and page-takeovers.

Our goal is to work with you to come up with an advertising plan that works with your budget.

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