Hot Chicks Are Bad For Your Health…

14 years ago view-show 673,299


A recent study conducted by researchers at Spain’s University of Valencia has shown that checking out a hot woman gets you just about as excited as jumping out of an airplane.

The study took about 84 male college students and recruited their help under the pretense that they were conducting research using a sodoku puzzle. But instead, the study really sought to see each guys reaction to being placed in a room with an attractive woman (who was also doing the sodoku puzzle). Before and after the experiment researchers measured the amount of cortisol in each participant’s body. Cortisol is a hormone released when a person is under stress and needless to say those levels shot up in the presence of an attractive woman. But it wasn’t as if this was this exam day stress here. Researchers compared the cortisol increase to that of a person jumping out of an airplane. Whoa now! That’s some serious power there!

But researchers also caution that prolonged cortisol increases can lead to heart problems or impotence. Now I dont know about these dudes and dorky scientist from Spain but I think I can handle my share of bad b*tches around me and still perform, I actually think I perform better with hot chicks around me but I guess to each their own!

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