Jackie Chain IS NOT Australian

14 years ago view-show 671,319

I’m a big fan of Alabama rapper Jackie Chain.  Well fan might be a strong word.  I just think everything about him is highly entertaining.  He is just a goofy looking half white/half Asian rapper with long hair that did a little time back in the dayComplex caught up with him to discuss Alabama and it’s slang.  There is a classic moment in the interview where he explains a situation that happened in an elevator in Las Vegas.  It inspired the title of the post.  Also hit Complex proper to get some additional Jackie Chain quotes.

Jackie Chain On Doing Drugs:

  • “To me, you can’t have psychedelics without drinking. When I eat shrooms, I can kill a pack of beer. It’s sort of like cheesecake and strawberries! I gotta have beer and psychedelics… BUT I WOULDN’T MIX PSYCHEDELICS and powder. I could be tripping and do some lines, and I ain’t tripping no more-I’m just geeked. Powder kills the trigger. Not that I do that anymore.”



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