O.T. Genasis Shares New Mixtape, Rhythm & Bricks

9 years ago view-show 708,147


You remember O.T. Genasis, right? Oh, what, the name doesn’t sound familiar to you? Okay, just in case you forgot or amnesia is suddenly contagious, O.T. was the rapper that suddenly dropped one track late last year in “CoCo”. You know: I’m in love with the coco. That song. Yikes, kinda embarrassed to even be typing that in 2015. Well, basically he’s got a mixtape out: It’s called Rhythm & Bricks. There’s like, a bunch of songs on it, production from producers, and raps from rappers. Cool. If you’re into that sort of stuff, peep O.T. Genasis’ Rhythm & Bricks after the jump.