Six Degrees Of Separation: “The What If Factor” Don Cannon, J-Kwon, Mysonne, Tabi Bonney…

15 years ago view-show 896,346

six-degrees-blog-cover2Remember when you were a kid, and you had over a 1,000 choices of what you wanted to be when you grew up?

Whether it was a doctor, painter, fireman, policeman, or whatever, chances are a lot of thought was put into those decisions.

But as time passed with each growing year, you set your sights on one particular goal, and stuck with it.

In this edition of Six Degrees Of Separation [Click for other editions], the focus is on the “What If” factor. What if your life strategy didn’t pan out, and you had to pack it in and try something different?

Fortunately for the panel participating in this installment, everything went according to plan. But if it didn’t, Nu Jerzey Devil, J-Kwon, Cut Chemist, Don Cannon, Tabi Bonney, and Mysonne are here to let you know how things would’ve turned out for them otherwise… [Click on names for individual interviews] If you weren’t doing Hip-Hop, or just music in general, what other career choices would interest you?

Mysonne: I would probably be into more fashion or writing. I’m more of an entrepreneur, so I’d probably be into writing movie scripts or books. That would just be another way for me to tell stories, and put my experiences and thoughts down. So if I weren’t doing it in a musical form, I would be doing it in another form…

Cut Chemist: Hmm… If I wasn’t doing music, I think that I would probably be some type of chef of some sorts…

Don Cannon: I couldn’t imagine not being in music, but if I had to pick I would probably be an architect or a fashion designer…

J-Kwon: I would probably be more on the production side or the management side…

I just like the music; you know what I’m saying? So whatever else I did would still be around the music, or what not. I wouldn’t go try to play for the Celtics or nothing like that… [Laughs] I’d keep it around the music scene.

Tabi Bonney:Man, I think I would be a professional ping-pong player or something like that… [Laughs]

Nu Jerzey Devil: If I wasn’t doing Hip-Hop, I don’t know what the hell I’d be doing. Everybody from the ‘hood says the same sh*t; either you’re locked up, selling drugs, or whatever the situation.

I really can’t call it, but it definitely wouldn’t be anything positive. So I would definitely say that Hip-Hop saved my life…

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