New Music: Stream OG Maco’s New BREATHE EP

9 years ago view-show 321,057

OG Maco, the New Atlanta rapper who is perhaps best known for his viral smash "U Guessed It" from earlier this year, has just released his BREATHE EP, the followup to his aggressive and uncompromising OG Maco EP. The BREATHE EP drastically differs from Maco's previous aforementioned music in that it finds Maco rapping with a clear mind, on civil rights issues in America right now (those being the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, respectively.) The three tracks "Get Down," "Do Better," and "Riot" are undoubtedly OG Maco's most introspective moments in his short catalog and it's refreshing to hear a quintessential "trap rapper" attempt something different for a change. Stream OG Maco's three track BREATHE EP after the jump.

Video: Wu-Tang Clan – “A Better Tomorrow”

9 years ago view-show 534,204

Wu-Tang Clan get all political and topical with their music video for "A Better Tomorrow" the title track from their new album, which you can stream in full right here. For "A Better Tomorrow," the Clan utilizes scenes of protesters in Ferguson and New York reacting to the deaths of Mike Brown and Eric Garner, respectively. In addition the visuals include President Barack Obama's reaction to the events. It closes with a list of people who were reportedly killed by police. Peep the visuals for Wu-Tang Clan's "A Better Tomorrow" after the jump.
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