The Rolling Stone Article That Everyone Is Talking About…

14 years ago view-show 670,131















So we mainly keep it to rap music and what not, but I thought it was important to highlight this article that is sweeping the nation.  Basically this writer for the Rolling Stone got em bedded with Gen. Stanley McChrystal who is the commander of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.  He kind of threw the whole , respect of the chain of command thing out the window.  He said a lot of things he wasn’t supposed to, and it’s looking like Obama might have to fire him.

Me taking it for face value, he seemed like a guy struggling with a bureaucracy that was in his mind preventing him from implementing the most effective initiatives.  At the same time this dude seems to have a bit of a shady past.  Check it out for yourself and draw your own conclusions.  I say we send Diddy to Afghanistan.  He could have a couple coconut Ciroc’s with the Taliban/Al Queda, and create a peaceful state in no time.

Rolling Stone: The Runaway General

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