Video: Redman – “Somebody Got Robbed”

10 years ago view-show 383,130


Don’t get it confused, kids, Redman’s got some classics under his belt. What immediately comes to mind whenever I hear the name Redman isn’t his appearance on Chappelle’s Show or sleeping on a couch on MTV Cribs but for Whut? Thee Album, Muddy Waters, and his collaborations and longstanding friendship with Wu-Tang Clan’s own Method Man (which spanned a great album in Blackout!) but as of late Red hasn’t done much in the field of music. I guess somewhere between How High and Red Gone Wild: Thee Album, people just kinda stopped caring about Red. But hip-hop’s gone through many changes since then and what with the recent East Coast revival going on, Red is in perfect position to come out with some new material — I mean, hell, if Meth is doing it then why can’t Red? So here he is, at the tender age of forty-five, Red is looking to get back into the rap game. He’ll be dropping a new project in The Preload and here he’s sharing the visuals for a track entitled “Somebody Got Robbed.” I think I typed out enough, peep Red’s “Somebody Got Robbed” video after the jump.