Weekend News Wrap Up: T-Pain Gets Called Out, Fabolous’ New Album & Diddy Sold Drugs?

15 years ago view-show 1,101,474


T-Pain is getting called out by his former group members who claim they were left in the dust once he hit the big leagues. The former group called Nappy Headz are coming out with a new documentary entitled “The Untold Story: Nappy Headz”.

The documentary chronicles the Tallahassee, Florida group’s rise in the south before T-Pain signed to Akon’s Konvict label.

According to the Nappy Headz, the plan was for everyone to go solo in hopes someone would find success and then put the rest of the group on. Their plan worked except for the fact that the one who found success, T-Pain, didn’t feel like putting anyone on and decided he would take the glory for himself. His former group members say:

“The way you did it. You didn’t tell us. You just started making songs. You ran off. It had to be a Nappy Head for them to know T-Pain.”

“I’m just disappointed in the way he let the success get to him,” another member added.

If you really care you can cop the DVD for $14.95 at TheNappyHeadzStory.com or you could just keep it moving like T-Pain did…


Fabolous has announced that his next LP will be a sequel to hit album Loso’s Way. He’s slating the release for next summer, Fab says:

“I’m looking to come next summer. I like summer releases. It’s good timing. People are out, a lot of people need good music to ride to. I’m looking towards June or July again and come with Loso’s Way 2.”

Fab is also working on videos for Lullaby, Last Time and Makin’ Love off the album and also has a new mixtape with DJ Drama that’s set to drop next week.

“The first mixtape with Drama was There Is No Competition,” he explained. “I’m working on part two — it’s called There Is No Competition Part 2: The Funeral Service. We gonna make it available for download on Christmas Day — kinda like a gift to the fans, for free, to kinda go out and get the music. It will also be available on hard disc. Most people are home at Christmas, they get computer access — so you can download it or have it on your computer. Get a new [computer for Christmas], the first thing you gonna wanna do is download the There Is No Competition Part 2: The Funeral Service.

“Everything on there — it’s what I’ve been working on since the album. Even though [my album] came out in July, I probably finished it in maybe April or May. Everything has been building up musically since then. Sometime I get it out on R&B features or just other little stuff that you put out. I hadn’t put a mixtape out in while, so I had that backed up in me. I got a chance to release. I think people are gonna love it. There Is No Competition is me saying, ‘There is nobody that can compete with me. Death to the competition.’ That’s why it’s called The Funeral Service. Everything is themed around that. That’s why it’s kinda dark. Each song plays into that.”

There Is No Competition Part 2: The Funeral Service drops on Christmas day, so make sure you download that and be on the lookout for that Loso’s Way 2.


Diddy recently did an interview with Playboy and discussed his past as a drug dealer, yes, drug dealer.  During his youth he attempted to sell drugs while in the Maryland and D.C. area, but it just happened to be the one thing he wasn’t successful at. Diddy says:

“Some of my friends were selling drugs in the Maryland and (Washington) D.C. area. I remember them having all this jewellery and new BMWs. I was eating ramen noodles, stealing from the 7-Eleven to get some food. “I thought, ‘I need to get some money like y’all have.’ So I go out on the block, the strip where they’re selling drugs, and my man says, ‘OK, I’m going to give you this. You wait there. They’ll come up to you.’ “I’m out there five minutes when three cop cars pull up and officers jump out and start chasing me. I ran and got away.”

“I told my friends,thanks, y’all, but no thanks. This game is not for me. I walked out that door, and I ain’t been around nobody with no drugs. I don’t want to see no drugs. I’m probably the shortest-duration drug dealer in history. That’s why you never heard me talk about it in my rhymes.”

I think we didn’t hear about this in your rhymes not because you failed miserably, but because you don’t actually write them…