Yelawof got on Twitter and gave some advice for fellow white MC’s that plan to be around black people. He calls them “YellersWhite10”. So read and pay attention, because these rules can save lives!
- Let’s knock out the obvious.NEVER.DROP.THE”N”BOMB! Nobody cares how long you been”down” or how much dope you sell.
- If you can count you’re black friends you’re probably lame. “I had this black friend in school. Man he was crazy ” — Wack!
- If you’re dad “raises the roof” when you’re black friends pull up … SLAP HIM and throw the flag. FOUL ON THE PLAY DAD!
- Never talk bad about Michael Jackson. Regardless of what you may think in your head. Don’t cross that line.
- Never use the words “black” and “bitch” in close proximity in any statement. Feel free to say “white” & “bitch” all day.
- If the “you got” jokes starts NEVER mention “Mama” or how “Black” (dark complected) someone is — I got punched for this!
- If you didn’t support and or vote for Barack Obama kill yeerself … It’s over ..You might as well be in the Klan!
- When you stay the night at you’re black friends house use a wash rag... don’t leave cracker pubes on the bar soap.
- You can never eat watermelon,chicken and grits simultaneously in public. But you can listen to the Nappy Roots album ALL DAY
- When you’re in the club and “F%ck them other n****s” comes on just sit down! Go to the bar .. Act like you don’t hear it.
BONUS: For God’s Sake don’t lay in a Tanning Bed! You’d rather look like a panda bear naked than to get caught “browning” yourself!