Au Revoir Tony

18 years ago view-show 690,426

Surprise Suprise!  Eva Longoria and Tony Parker have called it quits.  After months of speculation that the couple was "growing apart," they decided to part ways.  Did we ever think that the hottest Desperate Housewife and the french NBA superhunk would make their way to the alter?  Hell no!! The lifespan of a Hollywood couple seems to be two years tops.  I am sure Eva is not sitting at home crying over her frenchman.  One man’s loss is another man’s gain, and I can think of at least one person she can call to rub her back and make her feel better…..

Hollywood Hottie
Columnist – The Wire


  1. She’s got guy’s oogling her day in and day out. Everybodies heard of the french jelously. whenever theres a break up there’d be a good reason to cover it and my first reason would be that one, no french man can save their green eye.

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