Jon Stewart vs. Bill O’Reilly Debate On Common In The White House

13 years ago view-show 813,978

So Fox News have been anti-Common since his invite to the White House was first announced. So after Jon Stewart of the Daily Show performed a freestyle rap slamming Fox News’ treatment of the whole ‘Common Visits The White House Saga’, Bill O’ Reilly of Fox News responded by challenging him to a debate.

The debate went ahead, with O’ Reilly basically bleating “cop killer supporter… supporter of cop killers… convicted cop killers” for the whole thing, referring to Common’s trip to Cuba to visit Assata Shakur, an escapted convict convicted of killing a cop, and his support of Mumia Abu Jamal, who was sentenced to death for killing a member of police. Meanwhile, Stewart argued that instead of endorsing these “cop killers”, Common believes in their innocence. He also pointed out the inconsistency in the Conservative’s argument; i.e. it’s okay for other (white) performers who sing about convicted murderers/controversial violence to be welcomed into the White House (Bob Dylan, Springsteen, Bono, etc.), but a rapper like Common immediately is defined by Fox News through these elements of his career alone.

To be honest, I really can’t believe this whole issue is still in the news. Either can Stewart. He points out that instead of Fox News wasting time on this issue, they could be backing the reinstatement of banning assault weapons, and in doing so actually prevent more cop killings. The best part though is probably when Stewart ends with:

“Songs are not literal, you know that right? When the Weather Girls sing ‘It’s Raining Men’, it’s not really precipitation of men, it’s a metaphor”.

Check out the videos of the debate below and if you’re super bored, count the amount of times the words “cop killer” are said. Spotted at NB.

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  1. Great discussion. It's entertaining to see them disclosing their ideas professionally without yelling at each other.

    G00D P0st

  2. Every1 knos that bil O'Rilley is a raciest…he got ludacris Pepsi contract cancel because of his bigotry…1 of the worst human beings on the planet nex to hitlor …

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