“Law & Order: SVU” Airs Episode Based On The Chris Brown / Rihanna Assault

11 years ago view-show 1,107,216

Those in the know realize that Law & Order: SVU is the most superior brand of crime drama on television today.  I mean they have Ice T playing a wise cracking cop — this Ice T — and all of the stories are ‘ripped from the headlines.’  Well, SVU made a bold move last night by airing an episode based on Chris Brown’s assault on Rihanna.

If you’ve checked out the promo for the show above, try making the argument that this is not based on the events that transpired between the two singers in 2009.  That’s what I thought.  Yet, in the end credits of each episode SVU claims that the show is not based on actual events, despite the promo saying this is a “familiar case” to the viewer.  I’m not asking Law & Order creator Dick Wolf  to grow a set and outright admit that this was based on Breezy and Ri Ri, but let’s not dance around the fact at the close of every episode.

Anyhow, Tiffany Robinson who played the character that’s clearly based on Rihanna, told MTV, “of course, the story, the relationship is similar. But the character herself, it was more or less, this is her first big break, her first big single and it was spun on from her relationship with this other celebrity, which is a lot different from the situation, I believe, [with] Rihanna and Chris.”

If you’re interested in checking out the episode that has a surprise twist ending that didn’t happen in reality, you can watch the episode in it’s entirety below.

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  1. Sorry to say but the author on this article sucks.. It’s not Ice Cube it’s Ice T.. and I’m not trying to make a big deal about grammar, but you have some missing words in your sentences. However, having said that, this episode seems ridiculous and fake. No authenticity at all and that’s because everyone knows the story of CB and RiRi… I haven’t seen the episode yet, but I know it was made to try and stir controversy and interest in the show. Law and Order has taken a hit and it is evident. That’s all I’m out..TF

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