Maxwell Finally Gives Fans a Taste

17 years ago view-show 691,812

By Quibian Salazar-Moreno

      It’s been almost a year since platinum R&B singer Maxwell announced his new album “Black Summer’s Night” would drop in 2007. He told fans on his blog that he would share a song on Valentine’s Day 2007, but that came and went with no music. The album was supposed to drop this summer, but there was nothing. Now the singer has posted a snippet of a song called “Pretty Wings” on his MySpace page to hold fans over until his album drops in 2008.

      "Maxwell’s still working with Sade’s band, his tried-and-true team," Columbia urban music exec Kyambo "Hip-Hop" Joshua told Billboard. "He took some time off and now he’s ready. He’s recorded so much material that he’s got a couple of albums done. So, he might be going out on the road touring for this album soon. I won’t say the album will drop first-quarter 2008, but [next] summer sounds good."

      Maxwell hasn’t dropped an album since 2001’s “Now” which sold 1.7 million copies.

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  1. Were is this writer getting his facts from. firstly no tracks were turned in for this album until very recently.
    The single should be serviced to radio by the end of this month.

    Maxwell does not write with Sweetback, Sade’s bamd, he collaborates with Stuart Matthewmann, only one member.

    The plan was to record a three album set entitled

    Black- summer’s-night. to be released 1 per year


  2. If you read the story, the quotes are coming a Columbia Records exec. There’s nothing being made up here. And if you visit Maxwell’s MySpace page, he’s been saying the album was going to drop the past summer, but it didn’t happen. Same with sharing new music… he wrote on his blog that he was going to drop a song on Valentine’s Day and then backtracked… go look at his blog archives.

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