15 years ago view-show 1,025,442


Looks like our fave drama queen king has got himself all heated up again and told one of his ghost bloggers to post a rant about his sexuality being questioned. Kanye West is obviously a lil miffed that he can’t flaunt his new chick about town without people insinuating that the delightful Amber Rose is nothing but a cover up for the super-producer’s closet lifestyle. In his recent posting Kanye explains

“I know my life is the Truman Show for everyone to judge and comment on but I’m not doing a reality show. I’m not doing anything ‘for the camera’! I have some ego problems, b**ched out at award shows, have control issues and make some questionable fashion choices but never question MY manhood. This is a message to everybody out there!”

See the thing is with Kanye, he only allows the press and media to see a certain side of him by doing limited interviews and pretty much ignoring the mass audience who have followed him from day one. Yup we might see him on a cover of Urb or Complex but he fails to give the Hip-Hop sites interviews and then wonders why people jump on the bandwagon with defamatory remarks and comments on their blogs. I am all for artists keeping some distance between themselves and fans to a certain degree but when once fans start the hate you need to check that immediately and give them something positive, reach out to them without the attitude and address the issues which keep coming up time and time again. Secretly we all know Kanye ain’t gay but he acts like his poo poo don’t stink when it comes to those who have followed and supported him over the last seven years. Sometimes he gotta laugh and learn rather than rant and retaliate, simple life lessons. He obviously checks the net and what is being said so use that to your advantage Kanye and work with the bloggers and sites rather than adding fuel to their fire.

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