Snoop Dogg Talks Movies, Fashion with David Beckham?

17 years ago view-show 665,478

By Quibian Salazar-Moreno

      While hosting the European MTV Awards, Snoop Dogg revealed that he’s become good friends with recent U.S. transplant and world famous soccer player, David Beckham. Actually they’ve become such good friends that they’re even considering going into business together.

      “No one would have thought me and my boy David would have anything in common – we come from separate worlds,” Snoop told U.K.’s Daily Mirror. “But he has the dollars at his disposal and we’re talking about putting our money together to do a movie. It’s incredibly exciting. We both love fashion too, and we might even do a fashion label as well. I think he got his idea to have cornrows in his hair from me, which is great.”

      Yup. Their families have even got together to hang out.

      “He was terrific with my kids and they had a great time as he taught them how to shoot and score the perfect goal. That’s a partnership you never thought you would see – Snoop and Beckham,” Snoop said. “I love soccer just as much as he loves hip hop. He hasn’t asked me to teach his kids how to rap yet – but I’m there if he ever needs it.”

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  1. I am sure critics will have a field day with this; however, I think it is wonderful. The fact that two families from different cultures are able to come together to share culture and accept each other as they are. America can truly learn from this example because as a country we are pulled further and further apart. After all the work of those before us how dare we allow their struggle to be in vain. I have a lot of respect for both Snoop and Beckham and hope that we all can learn from their example.

    Peace & Blessings

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