Tattoo Fail Of The Day 7.7.11

13 years ago view-show 11,961,378
This has to be the most disrespectful 2Pac Tattoo I`ve ever seen. Let that man rest in peace!

Tattoo Fail Of The Day 6.27.11

13 years ago view-show 13,635,567
If your thighs can’t reach each other without the use of two tin cans and a piece of string then you have no business getting this Tattoo.

Tattoo Fail Of The Day 6.8.11

13 years ago view-show 8,113,743
If you`re going to get a tattoo of you holding your ET baby why must you insist on having the "Aeropostale" tatted on your shirt?

Tattoo Fail Of The Day 5.27.10

13 years ago view-show 25,023,438
Another classic vag tat. Nothing like explaining why this is tattooed on your crotch to your kids in 6 years.