Video: Childish Gambino Interviews

11 years ago view-show 880,704
  Because The Internet, Childish Gambino's upcoming album, seems like a nod to the minute-rice, 2 fast 2 furious commenting nature of the web today. The former television actor and comedian turned dedicated emcee is doing his best to ingratiate himself to the rap world, while accepting that it may never take to him (or his sense of hipster irony) as much as he might like. All the same, the work is there. Check out his interview with Power 105's Breakfast Club after the jump.

Video: Diddy Talks Revolt Network On Jimmy Kimmel

11 years ago view-show 768,339
I thought I told you that he won't stop. The Human Billboard is doing what he does best: promoting. Diddy stopped by that late night talk show's couch to explain what the new network Revolt TV will focus on at launch. Parts 2 and 3 after the jump. Hat tip to Karen Civil.

Why Kanye West Interviews Are The Best Thing Ever

11 years ago view-show 2,317,194
kanye west gives the best interviews of all time. OF ALL TIME! just when you think he's gone into hiding for good, that the president throwing dirt on his name might permanently relegate him to begrudging exile, that a n*gga might be better off in Paris, he emerges more defiant than the last time.