15 years ago view-show 562,815













As the year draws to a close we are going to see list after list about who did this and who did that, who shocked us the most in 2008, who was the biggest let down of the year etc etc. So as always we are here to keep you up to speed on such things here at IHipHop 🙂 This one, the biggest earners in music (not just Hip-Hop).
Numero Uno – Curtis Jackson – $151 million

Number Two – The Police $115.8 million

Number Three – Jay Z $82.6 million

Number Four – Beyonce $80.5

Number Five – The Beatles $51.6

So that Vitamin Water Deal obviously did make Curtis some hard cash but as predicted he probably received a huge chunk of that in stock options which is why everyone is talking about how much he is loosing on the markets right now. Can’t say we are surprised to see Jayonce up there, those two must just sit on chairs made of Benjamins in their various homes and wrap their presents up in fifties with all the cash they earn. But its good to see people in music getting paid elsewhere when folks don’t want to go out and buy their music anymore. Although I guess the Beatles are living proof and un-living proof that you still can make money as they and haven’t performed together since 1966 and yet they come in at number five. (SIDE NOTE – 28 years to the date since john Lennon was shot and killed outside his Manhattan apartment on Central Park West RIP) It is worth pointing out though that these earners work damn hard for their loot, or did work hard when they were alive so we can’t hate. Just get that green