8 Questions With iHipHop: Kendrick Versus Drake – The Title Fight

11 years ago view-show 32,666,535

Drew: What does Drake stand to gain from staying away from this feud altogether?

Dan: Drake doesn’t stand to gain much by side-stepping this conflict, aside from prolonging his mystique and interim legend. Between 2011 and now, Drake has been on a pretty impressive tear. He hasn’t dropped a whack verse in God knows how long. Since Take Care dropped he’s built up this bulletproof persona in which everyone expects everything he releases to be complete fire and even if it isn’t, his aura shapes your mind to think it is. Maybe Drake is the second coming, maybe he’s not. But if he does respond to Kendrick and it’s weak, it’ll be interesting to see how he recovers from that.


  1. Agreed with Dan. Kendrick is using all the other artists by talking shit about them. Not a good way to get noticed, but he’s still getting noticed!

  2. So sad if that is the case. Kendrick is very talented in my opinion… so he should just work doubly hard to get what he wants instead of doing this

  3. I don’t think that Drake should be picking a fight with Kendrick over this one. Really, it’s just not worth his time. Plus Kendrick doesn’t get what he wants: attention.

  4. I think its a good thing I personally have grown tired of all the friendly we are the world rappers so if he wants to go at someone maybe it’ll bring back what the game is missing which is heart.

  5. I’d say put ’em two bishes in a closed room, get a CCTV up on it and let ’em claw each other’s eyes out. See how the media goes down on that. Let them unbundle their panties and throw out their tampons.

  6. Drew, I agree with you that both Kendrick and Drizy are talented enough to stay long in this game. But I really do not agree with what Kendrick has been doing.

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