Gawker Calls Russell Simmons Out…Russell Fires Shots Back Via Twitter

13 years ago view-show 720,522

Wow…This guy Hamilton Nolan from Gawker fires some serious shots at Russell.  There is a lot of political talk and i’m not really one to comment on who is right or not.  Russell seems to come back with some decent points on twitter.  However, the point is this.  Russell Simmons used to be the cool guy, master of urban culture.  Now people kind of see him as an elitist yoga enthusiast that only bang models and hangs with rich people.  My point being that Russell has an image problem.  It’s kind of the same image problem a lot of these hip-hop executive people have.  They became the people they claimed to be against.  That being said shouts to Russell for throwing that eat a d*ck commentary in the mix.  That’s how it’s done!  Ya I instigate political change…Ohh and also…eat a d*ck.

Gawker: Russell Simmons initially got famous by starting up Def Jam, a hip hop label that was, believe it or not, dynamic and counter cultural. And cool! That was a long, long time ago. What is Russell up to today? Oh, just defending Fox News chief Roger Ailes (again):

And we forget that that [Fox News] may not be good for America, but they are really, really good for TV and that is what the genius and my friend Roger Ailes is selling. TV.

I don’t think that Roger wants to do harm to America, I actually believe he wants to make this country a better place. But if that means that Fox News goes out of business, forget about it. I know that Sean Hannity believes in what he is saying. Instead of being the angry left, maybe if we took a moment and listened to them, there could be some common ground, more compromise, more bi-partisan voting.” – Russell Simmons

This is part of a HuffPo essay that sounds like a high school student who’s just discovered the concept of moral relativity: “Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck or Bill O’Reilly or Mike Huckabee get on the airwaves and think they are right. And you know what? They are right. Just right to them.”

That’s great, Russell. Brilliant. All the veganism and Jivamukti and making sure there aren’t any “negative” headlines on your website will probably convince Roger Ailes to change his ways by power of example. Just like you “enlightened” Donald Trump. This is all working out well, politically. For everyone who has as much money as Russell Simmons.


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  1. The new age of beef Twitter, These people sound like fucking high school kids, and everyones beef on twitter is so serious yea right more like misunderstanding and trying to be a hard internet thug, You see on the street and call them out there most like hide behind security are worry like lil diva bitches and worry about messing up their clothing or gaudy jewelry, and seriously Russ is a old man now, rich old men do old men shit like look good in the public and give some of their money to charity

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