Audio: Lebron’s Mom & Delonte West Affair Rumor Picks Up Steam

14 years ago view-show 952,776

Last week it started to hit the rumor mill that Delonte West was having an affair with Lebron’s mother.  It seemed so outlandish that I didn’t really feel comfortable doing a story on it, but now some people with legitimate sources within the league are coming out to say that it is indeed true.  Hall of Famer Calvin Murphy had the following to say on ESPN radio:

  • It ain’t no rumor. Unfortunately my sources in the NBA tell me that it’s absolutely true. My sources…and they’re legit tell me that the only people who didn’t know what was happening were Lebron and me…I could not imagine me being in that situation and him still being on my team because one of us is going to be dead and the other one’s going to be in jail. No question about it…they was doing the horizontal pokey.

Who ever made the picture for this video is ruthless.  Listen to the whole interview below.  Calvin claims Delonte wasn’t the only party involved.  This is so comletley f*cked I don;t know what to even say.

