Logic Issues Official Statement Regarding Divorce With Jessica Andrea

7 years ago view-show 1,650,924

It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later.

There’s been a gloomy shadow casted over hip-hop with the devastating announcement of Logic and his wife’s, Jessica Andrea, divorce. A couple who once instilled so much hope has officially ended their two-year marriage. However, Logic doesn’t want us to dwell on their ending relationship, but to celebrate the beautiful moments they shared.

The Bobby Tarantino rapper issued a heartfelt note to his fans explaining the situation, and why this melancholic occasion shouldn’t be so depressing. In his letter, he described how him and Jessica are no longer romantically interested in one another, but how they still share an undeniable love that will never burn out.

While they may have outgrown their marriage, they will never outgrow their friendship. Read the full letter below:

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