T.O. Thinks Media Is Trying To Create Drama Around Him…What’s New???

15 years ago view-show 656,271

toAfter another week of mediocrity (if you can call zero receptions mediocrity, as opposed to irrelevance) for Terrell Owens can only mean one thing: he’s going to lash out at the media about how his teammates and his coaches are conspiring to keep him down.  Right?  Well, usually, you would be.  However, after Sunday’s big loss to New Orleans, T.O., who skipped talking to the press after the Bills‘ first two games, decided it was time to speak to the press and talk to them about how they are the ones at fault for stressing him out.  In fact, T.O. has claimed that the Buffalo press are trying to push him to have a media meltdown in Buffalo similar to the ones he had in Dallas and PhiladelphiaOwens has stated that he can tell that the press are trying to push him down the wrong roads, and that he won’t answer those sorts of inflammatory questions down the line, to prevent a third career meltdown.  T.O. stood by his team and his coaches for the team’s play, and has attributed his low-involvement in the Bills‘ offense to “Just going with the plays that are called…whether I like them or don’t, I’m just going with the plays that are called.”.  This is a side of T.O. we’re not used to seeing: one where he actually defends his team.  However, when discussing the media, Owens gives us more of the same, this time blaming them for trying to push him to the limits, instead of leaving him alone (which is, in the end, their jobs to do).  T.O. has provided NFL Fans with many entertaining moments throughout the years, so to hear him blame the media for pushing his buttons is laughable at best.  Here are some videos below, celebrating Terrell Owens the cry baby