Kid Cudi Reveals His Big Secret, “It Was Stressing Me Out That Nobody Knew”

14 years ago view-show 2,285,019

No his secret isn’t that he loves drugs, we all know about that, its that Kid Cudi has revealed that he had a “secret” daughter earlier this year and how much of an impact she had on him as an artist.

Cudi credits his daughter, Vada, for becoming a “wake-up” call to him.

“There’s another thing people don’t know. I have a daughter, born March 26th of this year. Her name is Vada, and she’s f*cking awesome. That was eating me up, and it was stressing me out that nobody knew about her. I was trying to escape from that, too. Just trying to figure it out and make everyone happy, it’s a lot for somebody my age to handle. I was manning up and dealing with it in what I thought was the right way, but it was the wrong way. I want to be around for her. I can honestly say she was the wake-up call. The reality that it’s bigger than just you now–you have a responsibility and there’s no more time for mistakes. It’s time to stop f*cking around.” (Complex)

The rapper also admitted how much pressure he initially had when learning about being a father.

“I was scared as f*ck. I need to be a dad now, and I’m not with the girl–how does that work? Because having money isn’t it. I just wanted to be a great dad, and I didn’t think I was capable. Then I thought: When she gets here it’s either nut up or shut up. She’s my best friend and she doesn’t even know it. That’s why I always told myself I’m going to make these songs for my kids, so they can follow along and know my story, if something was ever to happen to me. No matter what motherf*ckers are saying or haters are putting in their ear. She can put on my records and be like, ‘F*ck all that other sh*t, my dad was like this.’ But I might make sure she doesn’t listen to this album until she’s 40. [Laughs.] I’m excited about watching her grow, I’m excited to be a papa” (Complex)