Tay K Writes Letter to XXL Justifying His Freshman Selection

7 years ago view-show 915,156

Do you think Tay K deserves to be an XXL Freshman?

17-year-old Tay K, born Taymore McIntyre, catapulted to hip-hop’s forefront with his viral hit, “The Race”. A raw look into a troubled youth’s mind whose lyrical penchant depressurizes his compromised psyche, “The Race” resonated well with fans because of the thrilling sonics, and, more importantly, the track’s palpable authenticity. This body of veritable content may have increased his following, but hasn’t helped his legal situation, as Tay K is still in Tarrant County Jail on a collection of charges. However, Tay K’s growing starpower ironically can’t be contained by bars–his bars will set him free. An eligible XXL Freshman, Tay K penned a lucid letter to the premier hip-hop outlet explaining why he deserves to be selected.

Of course, Tay K cited his hit “The Race” as justification for his selection, noting that the track is in rare company with over 100-million views and charted on Billboard, but his justification runs deeper than concrete evidence. Tay K describes the precarious situations he’s overcome, how they’ve made him a better man, and how they’ve contributed to his rise–what doesn’t break you, makes you. He goes on to clarify that all of his legal allegations are just that–allegations, nothing more.

The jury is out on Tay K’s innocence, but there’s no denying his musical ability and transcendent allure. Whether or not the XXL editors choose him is still a question mark, but judging by his body of work, he’s as qualified as any other candidate.

Read the full letter below: