7 Best Husbands For Beyoncé After Dumping Jay Z

11 years ago view-show 39,674,547

5. Green With Envy

Michael Ealy

Yo Hov you gon let money kiss up on ya girl like that? Word? I know it’s a video but damn lips is brushin, Eskimo kisses nudgin…that’s deep, B. The whole cast and crew is quiet as dude creates a magic moment with your wife. Ealy is just famous enough and just light-skinted enough to make this a fit. Yes, he’s married but this is Hollywood, and when Bey’s on the market, you call up your agent and let Abe know that you’re single as far as she’s concerned. He’s a shade off Swirl territory but has green eyes so we’ll swoon at the prospect of Beyoncé creating more offspring to advance the cause of the Lighter Brotha, so long in need of a come-up. If he marries her that’s also full license to remove Barbershop 2 from his imdb page.