7 Best Husbands For Beyoncé After Dumping Jay Z

11 years ago view-show 39,674,547

2. The Presidential Suite

Barack Obama

The French press went into an uproar when Barack and Bey exchanged some lusty looks at his inauguration. But really, if you wanna know the whole truth about their connection, lost somewhere in those deep pools of eye water, check Sasha’s definite shade at Beyoncé in this photo. She like ‘Psssh look at Daddy tryna act smooth…and WHY SHE KEEP GRINNING SO HARD?’ I hear the sound of Michelle typing a cease-and-desist letter so I’ll chill but…what is B smiling at though? Barack fulfills so many of the Bey-Hive criteria: leader of the free world, level-headed, somewhat rich, very connected, satisfies Daddy complex. He and Jay are around the same age give or take a pair of high-wasted jeans and a love handle. Based on reports, she’d never have to worry about him cheating, he respects his wife and her input, and he’s got a smooth jumpshot. Everyone’s a winner here.